Yearly Medical Exam Buff Blondie
Starring Buff Blondie and Scott Torvea
Buff Blondie went to the doctors office for her yearly medical exam. The doctor, played by Scott Torvea, comes in and tells her to get undressed and put on a gown. He leaves her alone to get changed. Once she is changed he comes back to begin the exam.
When the doctor comes in he looks over her chart and has her stand on the scale so he can get her weight and height. He marks it down on her chart and has her take a seat on the examination table. The doctor puts on her stethoscope and places the bell on her chest. Moving it around to find the best location.
Next he takes out the a sphygmomanometer to check her B-pressure. As he does he makes small talk asking general questions about her health. Once he is done checking her B-Pressure he removes the cuff and stethoscope. Makes a few notes in her chart. Then puts the stethoscope on her back having her take deep breaths as he listens.
After marking it in her chart he undoes her gown and continues her checkup with a breast exam. He asks her questions about self examination and mammograms. Once done with he breast exam he has her lay back on the table.
Stomach exam
He inspects her to see if there are any areas of concern that he can visually notice. Then he takes the stethoscope and places it gently on her stomach. He listens as he moves it around the different quadrants of her abdomen. After the initial round, he places the bell with more pressure as he moves it around.
Seeing in her chart that she has had stomach issues in the past he spends a lot of time making sure there are no new issues. He does percussion as well as thumping. Feeling and listening as he moves around her abdomen. He also watches her face as he applies pressure, looking for any wincing or indications of discomfort.
Then he moves down her legs checking as he makes his way to her feet. He inspects her feet for range of motion. Taking out a small piece of cotton he checks her sensitivity to touch. She responds well and me marks it down in her chart. After her legs he checks her arms.
Then follows up with a quick look at her ears and eyes making sure there are no issues. He marks it down in her chart before moving on to her lymph nodes and neck in general. Once finished he tells her that she is good shape.